How do I go about getting a web server to test my php on, on my pc? & how do I link the two?
If you’re using windows as a platform, and you want to use it’s server (ISS), then bung in your CD and install it. That’s if it’s not already installed and running. To find out if it is installed navigate to the drive where you installed windows and there will be a folder called Inetpub. To find out if it is running: Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services now look down the list of services available and see if ISS Admin is listed or needs to be restarted.
Now all you need to do is download the latest php software from You need to download the PHP 4.3.1 installer. This installs it for you. Make sure you tell the installer your server is ISS and so on.
You can now test a php script with a text editor and a browser.
echo ("Hello world");
Place this code within the html body tags and save the file with a php extension into Inetpub > wwwroot Now launch your browser and type
The wwwroot folder is the localhost root folder.
If successful you will see the text: Hello world.
You could take the apache route if you want. I decided to take the iss way because I found it the best way to work with the dreamweaver’s powerful serverside enviroment.
By the way I’m using win xp. I’m sure its nearly the same to set up iss with win98. Someone is bound to have installed their iss server using win98 here. I’m sure they’ll help you out.
Good luck
if u want to use Apache server (for me is the better than ISS and most of servers on the web use it), look at this how-to to install apache+php+mysql:
very easy e simple…all that u need are inda that how-to
good work
I dont see ISS Admin…
but a while ago some fave me this (its listed under services)…
Sokkit. Apache/2.0.40(Win32) PHP/4.2.3
can I use that. If so, how do I?
If you can’t see Admin ISS this means that you need to install it. I think if you’re not using windows NT or XP you have to download an installer from m$. I can’t be sure about that, overwise it’s on your windows disk!
Drunken has given you a link to a top comprehensive tutorial on installing, comfiguring php, mysql with apache ect.
You could use FoxServ 3.0. This does all the configuring and installing itself and is totally free. Check this out:
It will install
This is great. You’ll need a database to work with data processing scripts so mysql is your best bet. MySQL-Front is excellent. Allows you to visually work with you mysql database.
You can get the latest installer from here
And here’s the documentation
Just scanned your post again. It looks like you’ve already installed apache and php then if you can see this in your services. Correct me if I’ve misunderstood you.
Best thing to do is to uninstall everything and start again with one of the options above.
To test a php file in your present setup (that’s if it is running correctly) locate the a folder with www. Save your php file in this folder and then launch your browser and type localhost instead of the folder’s name and then type the file’s name. I’m not completely sure about the folders name but I’m certain that it has www in it.
btw was it phpTriad for window or easyPHP that you installed?
okay I installed the foxserv program…& now in the sevices in control panel there is both a Mysql & Apache.
what I do from here…locate the www folder, use http://localhost to test php in dwMX…or…??!
need some advice!?
Excellent! You’re nearly there. Yes locate the folder and place the file that I’ve attatched for you in it. It will test to see if php is running with apache correctly on your system.
Now, type the localhost address to this file and test away.
You should be able to see the text Hello world.
I remember when I went through this some time ago and got help from a forum. I was looking at it from a detailed perspective too soon. In the end I stood back and click I got it. It’s like that with learning. Having the ability to have a birds eye view and seeing how all the pieces go together and then being able to zoom into the complexities of programs, systems and the languages which we script them with is a must. Zooming in and out is key to learning. I wish I wouldn’t forget this though.
Feel free to ask more questions. I’ve turned my email responder on so I’ll know when you post within 1 - 15 minutes
Here’s the file. As php files are not allowed to be upload you will need to change the .txt extension to .php. :cyborg:
okay, I dl’ed the attachment & changed it to .php…created a root folder & put the .php in there…
I know opened it in dmMX and pressed F12, to preview in broswer. It asked me " Tp preview pages containing server side code, you need a testing server. would u like to specify one now"…okay
I need to usethe local host…humm…??
Lets keep this simple. If you want to use dwmx for you serverside testing enviroment you’ll have to wait a second.
First I need to know why and what you mean by
…created a root folder & put the .php in there…
I made a folder on my desktop & put the .php file you gave me in there…
so that dwMX knows where it is…
Could you go into the partition where windows is installed and find the www folder?
btw I think you’ll have to have ISS and not the apache server installed and running to work with dwmx. Someone here will have to tell you whether you can or not.
For now just use note pad and a browser.