PHP tags issue.. plz help

//create short variable names
$subject= "quote request from website";
$message=$_POST['messagebox'] . $_POST['budget'] . $_POST['usertype'] . $_POST['userskill'] . $_POST['gardensize'] . $_POST['gardenslope'] . $_POST['grassheight'];

This is basically the variables applied from my flash email form (problem is with the PHP). When I get the email all the fields come, except they are all squashed together, and dont have labels.

Example. the user types blah blah, my budget is 100, im a homemaker, im a noob, my garden is 1000, slop is 1000, grassheight is 1000.

Email comes back as: blahblah100homemakernoob100010001000. I want it to come as
“Message: blah blah
user type: homemaker
userskill: noob”
…and so on

Plz help… im very new to PHP.:esmirk: