Anyone know of a free, open source, photo gallery that can read all the files in a directory, create complementary thumbnails for each one of those images, and put those in an XML file which would then be read by the Flash object?
Hi, I’m new here and will have quite a few questions I think, but an answer might be a good starting point for a n00b
maybe you could have a look at to generate file(names) and thumbnails from a folder/directory,
and then check out the XML based flash gallery from
tie them together, and pray
good luck and let me/us know!
I’m trying to find this one particular song I heard on F-List (that top five music videos countdown that used to be on fuse) “[color=black]*** bearing from China[/color]” episode, so it will be very helpfull if you named all five music videos from that episode so I may find it somehow. Thanks.
I too am looking for the exact same thing.