
does anyone know if supports php… for there free web hosting

i don’t know but …
PHP4U/MySQL and other stuff … i use to test some scripts there

Angelfire? no they dont

and angelfire blows (they deleted my account w/o warning) MY FIRST WEBSITE EVER! It was classic. ah well.

*Originally posted by senocular *
**Angelfire? no they dont

and angelfire blows (they deleted my account w/o warning) MY FIRST WEBSITE EVER! It was classic. ah well. **

I had that happen to me… but I used not angelfire.

I think is the only free host that allows PHP .

so you think i should stay with angelfire ?? or should i use … give me your guys opinons :slight_smile:

Well if your looking for PHP, your only choice would be

for an overall free hosting site which is bettter ??

I never had a problem with tripod.

hmm i noticed that its a uk lycos is that the only one… i live in california so is there one for the U.S. or cali ??

yeah, , but it doesn’t support PHP.

would there be a difference if i use the uk one ?? as in like traffic flow… and the speed ??

No clue, never used the, but there usually isn’t too much of a difference.

i use the U.S. lycos blah the U.S. only gives 20 compared the uk which gives 50 with php support thats sucks…well im gonna try the uk one…unless there is another that i can use… do i really need php support…cause i notcied to make a guest book they make you make a .php is there another way i can make it ?

mm… can someone help me with my site im trying to make a guestbook and i jsut dont get it …


I think you should have some sort of server side script supported by your ISP, so if I were you and if I don’t want to pay, I’ll stick with the UK lycos… I haven’t seen a US site that gives PHP away for nothing… Do some seraching on the ASP too… But then, it all depends on which one you know how to use, isn’t it???

Keep in mind:

To be able to do a guestbook you must also be able to CHMOD your file (set permissions to be able to read/write/execute your file). I don’t know if supports that, maybe check their help files.