Website hosting?

Does anyone know where i can get FREE web hosting that is good and has php and maybe a ftp client?

i heared that supports PHP. but im not sure if it is true.

yeh tripod does supprort php and mysql it might have a ftp client i aint sure

any others?

not that i know of

if there were free hosts like that, no one would pay for hosting. :wink:

Good luck finding one that has all that , and not 100 popups too.
You’re better off spending $7.99/mo on hosting and get all you
need and more. has free hosting when you buy a domain :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

wow, this seems almost too good to be true…or am i not seeing something?

you talkinga bout my link?

I am with them now and it’s pretty good :slight_smile: The downtime isnt that bad and it’s never for long. Plus it’s a small company and your questions get answered right away on the message board. Pretty cool for sure

no, has free hasting with PHP, but it wont last long like all the other free hosts. Just a warning, it will just stop working some days.


no, i mean with that picture i posted. $15 a year is way too cheap for all of that and 100mb space with 4gig transfer

yah, that’s my link. They are great

yeah, but is that right? am i missing something? you really get all of the things listed, 100mb space, and 4gig transfer for $15 a year? no hidden fees or anything?

hojo, sorry. I wasn’t responding to your post! I hate it when I do this! I only read the first 2 posts then reply and it confuses ppl! Sorry hojo, but I agree, that plan looks phishy, If not… I’m changing! Because RackNine hosting is down now, and it has been down for about 3-4 days.


are you searous… wow how come i didnt know about it. lol

that hosting looks incredible, they seem fast from what i can tell also.

looks like on april 1st they’re changing the $15 a year to $20 a year. but again, i dont think that all of those things they’re saying are coming with the “value plan”

I think this is going to be me pretty soon with that host:

I think $15 a year plus $15 a month =) :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways is this true, has anyone tried it?