
Just a couple, and not of me (you may be relieved to hear), but taken by me over the weekend. Alex and I went out for my birthday, and I managed to get an absolutely cracking pic of him - on a bike, whilst moving a little on the fast side, and pulling a wheelie. I never get a picture come out this good.

And one of him just chilling. So yeah, this is my new boy. :slight_smile:

Wow - the pictures are nice (esp the first one!). I think we’ve seen more of Alex these past few mnoths than we ever have of you :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if Alex is a moderator on some other forum and posts pictures there of you! Would it not be weird if both of you lived some sort of a parallel life, but each of you had no idea about each other’s online worlds? :love:

He does kind of… He’s on a lot of Everquest forums, so you never know. There could be illicit pics of me somewhere.


Runs off to check every EQ forum available

That’s a huge bike he’s got there!
Well, happy birthday then to ya (steve wonder here…) :slight_smile:

yup… that’s some beast between his legs allright…

wahahahaa :stuck_out_tongue:

OMFG!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


He looks a bit short :-/ :stuck_out_tongue: :trout:

Cool pics kit! (btw im just kiddin bout the shortness, unless he is…)

Nice pictures kit. Now you just need to get some of you two together and post them… you know… so we know he’s not just some guy you are stalking.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

That’s a good point :wink: (j/k)

If that was me on that bike doing a wheelie like that, man would I be in trouble.

How old is he kit? I’m guessing… ummm let’s say 28

edit: btw- i wonder why my girlfriend doesnt take pics of me :puzzled: I’m jealous :slight_smile:

@Digital: Do you let her take pictures of you? A lot of times people give up trying to get pictures of other people who always fight the camera.

lol that’s a good point Lost

slaps self with left arm around right side of head

That’s either sarcasm for making an obvious point, or that was really true…lol. Not sure which one you intended.


No i wasn’t being sarcastic :slight_smile:

The past few days I’ve been really stressed out with work, life, etc… Getting to a point where I completly over look the obvious. It’s kind of distrubing actually.

Working at this place in the city, and I hate it. I have to sit in front of this 14 inch monitor for 8 hours a day, and if I dare move away for a sec, I hear the boss talking 'ish. Then I come home to a client who expects a CMS system for a friggin huge site in 48 hours :puzzled:

Not to mention my website is soooo friggin close to being done but I can’t finish it because I don’t have any time (not like it’s going to be great).

So now you can that i was indeed serious :lol:

-someone please kill me-

So now that I officially highjacked Kit’s thread :wink: (sorry kit :slight_smile: )

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

good point lost (the first good point).

Hijack away, lads. :slight_smile:

Er… Try 32. :slight_smile: So 6 years older than I am… And yeah, he is kinda short (about 5ft 5"), but is still taller than me. Still, it means I don’t get a neck ache from having to look up to him all the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Eilsoe, that was so rude. I’m shocked at you, really I am. :stunned: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: I also daren’t comment, I really daren’t. :wink: But this would be one of about 5 or 6 bikes that he has… I’m not as knowledgeable on them as I am with cars, but I know for sure he’s got a Yamaha R1 and a Honda Fireblade (which if I recall correctly is the one in the picture).

I just couldn’t believe how well that picture came out - you know how it is when you take something more in the hope it might look OK and not too blurred… I’ll see if I can get someone to take a picture of the two of us together… As Lost pointed out, if I don’t you might all think I’m stalking this guy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and Digital, you have my sympathy. Towards the end of my stint at Churchill I felt just like that about work, it was horrible. :-/

oh, so he’s had 5 or 6 beasts between his legs…?


Dirty, dirty boy. :stuck_out_tongue:


I just want to pop in here and say - this is an awesome thread. Now… I better go dry off my keyboard. Note to self: don’t drink while reading threads…