Hehe… Very good boys. He came over again at the weekend and met my parents. They seemed to like him and he wasn’t put off by them, so that’s always handy…
Running into a little technical hitch right now though - his ex girlfriend isn’t at all pleased about him seeing me, and is really pestering him to get back with her. Don’t think he wants to - after all she was living in his house (but not dating / sleeping together) when we first met and he kicked her out to be with me - but he’s such a nice bloke I know he doesn’t want to hurt her. Plus she’s got a few other kinds of issues, but I don’t know too much so I can’t pass judgement there…
I know he likes me. A lot. I guess I’m just worried that he’ll opt to go out with neither of us to hurt as few people as possible. Or take her back. I dunno. There was obviously a reason why they split up, and I know for a fact that he’s not the kind of man that would start something with a girl if he wasn’t sure about it. :hangover: Argh.
Maybe I’m just being paranoid. Now I’ve found a man who is quite literally everything I ever wanted, I’m petrified something’s going to happen to take him away. :-/
when you stress over things like this, they tend to end up the way you didnt want them to :puzzled:
from what you say you guys sound like you have a very nice relationship, if i myself was with a girl who made me happy, trust me i wouldn’t screw it up. i have a feeling your guy knows he’s happy, and he prob looks back at his ex and thanks the lord he’s not with her anymore :lol:
don’t stress ut kit, no need to make yourself crazy over it, if it’s true he’ll stay with you, if not well… then i’ll give him an eye jammy :lol:
Seems to be the year to find ‘the one’. Er, probably one other person knows what I mean by that, but let me just say I know 4 people (including myself, kit, and renny) who seem to have found their perfect someone.
Good for you Lost. And Ren. I’ve only known Alex for a little over two months now, so I’m kinda hesitant to say that he’s ‘the one’, but it’s a fact that the second I first saw him in that interview, something just clicked in my brain and I knew I had to have him and that he was right. That’s never happened to me before with any of my previous boyfriends - I’ve always been friends with them first for at least a year. So maybe he is my one. :love:
I know I’m probably just worrying over nothing. He was fine yesterday and is still as lovely as ever, so I guess I’m getting wound up with no foundation… After all, he wouldn’t have come this far with me if he wanted her back. He’s still friends with her (they go a long way back), but I don’t mind that since I’m friends with my exes.
Ah well. They trials and tribulations of love, eh?