
Hehe… Very good boys. :slight_smile: He came over again at the weekend and met my parents. They seemed to like him and he wasn’t put off by them, so that’s always handy…

Running into a little technical hitch right now though - his ex girlfriend isn’t at all pleased about him seeing me, and is really pestering him to get back with her. :frowning: Don’t think he wants to - after all she was living in his house (but not dating / sleeping together) when we first met and he kicked her out to be with me - but he’s such a nice bloke I know he doesn’t want to hurt her. Plus she’s got a few other kinds of issues, but I don’t know too much so I can’t pass judgement there…

I know he likes me. A lot. I guess I’m just worried that he’ll opt to go out with neither of us to hurt as few people as possible. Or take her back. I dunno. There was obviously a reason why they split up, and I know for a fact that he’s not the kind of man that would start something with a girl if he wasn’t sure about it. :hangover: Argh.

Maybe I’m just being paranoid. Now I’ve found a man who is quite literally everything I ever wanted, I’m petrified something’s going to happen to take him away. :-/

Don’t worry kit, I’m sure he will just tell her to bug off.

If he doesnt on the other hand, you can always pay her a visit late at night…if you know what im talkin about. :evil:

hey Kit for what its worth take my advise.

when you stress over things like this, they tend to end up the way you didnt want them to :puzzled:

from what you say you guys sound like you have a very nice relationship, if i myself was with a girl who made me happy, trust me i wouldn’t screw it up. i have a feeling your guy knows he’s happy, and he prob looks back at his ex and thanks the lord he’s not with her anymore :lol:

don’t stress ut kit, no need to make yourself crazy over it, if it’s true he’ll stay with you, if not well… then i’ll give him an eye jammy :lol:

Seems to be the year to find ‘the one’. Er, probably one other person knows what I mean by that, but let me just say I know 4 people (including myself, kit, and renny) who seem to have found their perfect someone.

Good for you Lost. And Ren. :slight_smile: I’ve only known Alex for a little over two months now, so I’m kinda hesitant to say that he’s ‘the one’, but it’s a fact that the second I first saw him in that interview, something just clicked in my brain and I knew I had to have him and that he was right. :slight_smile: That’s never happened to me before with any of my previous boyfriends - I’ve always been friends with them first for at least a year. So maybe he is my one. :love:

I know I’m probably just worrying over nothing. He was fine yesterday and is still as lovely as ever, so I guess I’m getting wound up with no foundation… After all, he wouldn’t have come this far with me if he wanted her back. He’s still friends with her (they go a long way back), but I don’t mind that since I’m friends with my exes.

Ah well. They trials and tribulations of love, eh?

Did I just say the ‘L’ word? :pa:

I believe you just did :beam:

Yeah kit, you said “lost”, its okay tho, we all have to say his name at one poiint in our time at kF.

Ah, that’s OK then. :slight_smile:

Good news is that it does look like I was just being paranoid. At least if last night was anything to go by. :wink: