The New Pictures

I finally had some photos done, now they are up in my gallery.
I will warn the guys, that there is nipple showing in a few. under “look”

I’m pretty happy with the photos. Both photographers were great, I’m jsut not very photogenic.


The pics don’t fit in with your site’s theme, y’know. It’s snowing outside and you’re showing skin here :smiley: :wink:

I read the Word, it’s awesome :thumb:

Well, there goes my ability to concentrate on work for the rest of the day… :slight_smile:

Don’t have that problem. To stop concentrating you have to start first.

EEEEEeeeeekkkk meant to be in a meeting to back some techno-wenies that have hijacked my pages.

I shall smite them til they are well and truely smitten!


*Turns away seeping cap draculesque style"


Nice bod Ethan! :slight_smile: Are you a model or something? :thumb:

Nothing like challenging your heterosexuality on a Monday morning.


Just kidding bro :beam:

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
Nothing like challenging your heterosexuality on a Monday morning.


Just kidding bro :beam: **

lol i think you need some pictures of me and fester up in there

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
Nothing like challenging your heterosexuality on a Monday morning.


Just kidding bro :beam: **

Fester you crack me up.

hahahaha…pretty cool site. Yu are doing the billey bussey thing. Cool photos. yeah snow falling and you half naked does not fit well. lil advice workout the shoulders (that came from my partners wife who used to model and is now a model agent. I showed her your site.)

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
Nothing like challenging your heterosexuality on a Monday morning.


Just kidding bro :beam: **

Fester you a$s! That was the first time I seriously laughed out loud!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Omg, that was too funny!

Good pictures Ethan:thumb: , but can you get anymore metrosexual?


Yeah I know. But if you knew how f-in cold it was here the pictures do fit. When I was outside taking the ones in the dark red shirt, it was about 35 degrees. Whatever that is in celcius… basically it was freezing.

And Thanks for reading the word. Sometimes in class I get inspired to write, I got another one I need to organize and put up.


Ahhh… You’re a big liar, but thanks anyway.


Thanks. I’m trying to. I figure what the helll. Sometimes they are looking for all kinds of people. Thus far I have only done shoe modeling and some pant modeling, but I don’t think that counts.

Glad I could help.


Yeah I think I need to get more shirtless men on my site. Good idea. Send the pictures over.


Thanks for the feedback. I suppose if a model agent saw the photos and only thought I need to work out my shoulders, then that’s good. Funny thing is I do work out my shoulders. It’s my favorite workout. I was just born fat with with naturally big boobies so it takes extra work to get definition in some places.


Well as soon as I get the shirtless photos of Fester and Digitalosophy up, I think I would be. I also could put up the photos in my grape smugglers.

for what it is worth she said you had a nice look. SHe kept your site on my screen longer than I would have which forced me to walk away. Not that you are ugly but I dont dig scantily clad men on my screen. She works for a modelling agency call Wilhoemena (spelling) supposed to be some big whoop-dee-do agency. She liked your site also. ciould be your break. gj tho. takes ballls to post pics of yourself on the web


Yeah we have a Wilhelmina Agency here as well. They are national. Where are you located? I’d love to speak with her, even if it’s just getting to ask some questions.

The nice thing is the pictures are in flash, so it will be harder for someone to steal them, but if you put a picture on the internet you are sort of signing off on it and giving it the the world.

I am located in Berkeley California. West Coast United States. She works in San Francisco. She just happened to be bringing here husband lunch (my bizzness partner). Ill holla at her the next time she is in. Not sure if she wants to give out her #.

Yeah thats cool. Mine is on my site, you can give that to her if that makes you more comfortable.

what clinched the descision to not include the ones of you in your Barney the Dinosaur Jim Jams?

I really don’t think it’s very flattering for my arse. It makes it look bigger than it is.

I might reconsider for the next shoot.

wow those are nice pics. **** i wish i was as toned as that, in fact i am getting a bit o a gut now…**** i need to work out, gettin outta shape now that football is winding down, but swimming is startin so taht will help.

great work love the site!

dippy you still have your baby fat dont worry…you are very young yet

*Originally posted by DDD *
** takes ballls to post pics of yourself on the web **

how bout posting pics of yourself dressed as a girl does that coutn as having balls?? rotflmao

check it out