Pimping a slideshow

Hi there…

Okay so I have this problem with flash and I can’t find any help on german sites and I was directed here by some fellows from Bit-Tech…

I’ve made a slideshow with Flash 8 Pro useing the exact same method as in the programs own tutorial, except I left away the text. You can have a look at the finished slideshow http://www.katzenspiel.com/test/galerie_test.swf

Now what I would like to add here, is a sort of OnMouseOver effect in the slideshow_mc. When a picture is displayed and you go over it with the mouse, the current negative picture named “image0a” should be replaced by the positiv image named “image0” and when leaving the currently displayed picutre with your mouse, it turns back to the negativ.

Further more, when clicking on the currently displayed picture, a new window should open with a larger version of the picture.

The current code for the swf file is:

                          /*The following four sections contain the data

/*for each menu item.

/* 0 */
var image0uri:String = “images/image0a.jpg”;

/* 1 */
var image1uri:String = “images/image1a.jpg”;

/* 2 */
var image2uri:String = “images/image2a.jpg”;

/* 3 */
var image3uri:String = “images/image3a.jpg”;

var currImage:Number = 0;
var totalImages:Number = 4;

for (var i:Number = 0; i<totalImages; i++) {


// function for the Next button
function nextMenuItem(eventObj:Object) {
if ((currImage+1)>=totalImages) {
currImage = 0;
} else {

// add the event listener for the button
next_btn.addEventListener(“click”, nextMenuItem);

Last but not least it would be nice to be abl to use the lefthand button to scroll back, ifthat is possible somehow.

If anyone could help me with some code or direct me to a site with some tutorials that could help me get on with this, I’d be really happy!



Here are the files for the slideshow if needed:

