Hey guys, well I’ve been searching on the web for pixel fonts and stuff, cause I’m gonna remake SomeoneLeet. Do you guys actually go and buy these fonts? Or do you just get them from friends or something. miniml is asking i think for 100 dollars for a pass to the fonts, which I think is hugely overpriced. Do you guys actually subscribe to something like that? Or is it that you can do that because of your companies?
I know, but if I’m not mistaken, the font links are not for pixel fonts, they are for regular fonts. There are only three links for pixel fonts and they cost money except for one.
It seems that every one of my clients ends up using a font I don’t have, so I have to go purchase it, and then bill them for it… at a rate of $140/font family… and of course thier designer has used all of the styles in that family…
but once you have them uyou have them. i am going to start making my own. so i will post them as i go. and i will keep them (most of them) free. (i might try for a VERY low buck heheh)
I’m talking about the fact I already have 600 fonts on file. Then some designer wants to be different, so they buy a “new” font, and use all of it’s styles. When they finally get to the point of doing a web site, the first designer is long gone, the client doesn’t have the font since they never needed it once the artwork was done. So I have to go find out what the font is called, and where to buy it, then charge it to the client, who then gets pissed because he shouldn’t have to buy the font twice…
So I make sure that I give the client the font on CD, along with the source codes for thier site…
I really use a lot of pixelfonts and that stuff. But I don’t wanna pay for them, especially not that much. I think it is way to expensive…
Go for it mdipi
mdipi - what site are you talking about? FFF or kirupa? I see in
FFF purchase section, a listing of some fonts that FFF did not
create. Is that what you mean?