Ok, well I am pretty new to flash but have been playing around with it for about a week or two.
My current site, http://mike.avalanchestudios.net, is made in HTML and I was advised by people who visited it, to make a flash version.
So, I toyed with the idea, scribbled down a few of my thoughts and decided to give it a shot…but…
I have a few questions:
Should I try to recreate a similar layout to the HTML version, then tweak it as time goes on, or should I make a completely different layout? Another possibility I thought of was to add flash features to the current site(i.e. the navigation menu) and eventually develop it into a flash site.
If I did make a flash site, should I have a HTML version(with a splash page first to direct a visitor to the right version for them) for those who don’t use/like flash sites?
I planned to use dynamic text boxes to display content, is this the best way?
It’s nothing big, just something to give me a little jump start.