Flash vs HTML

So my question is pretty self explanitory. I want to finally get my personal site up and running since it hasn’t had anything on it for over 4 months. I have a demo/test page up that I have been working on off and on for aboout that long. Finally I have finished my Bachelors degree this past week, :hugegrin: , so I have a little more time on my hands to do some things I have been meaning to do for a long time. There is really two basic things I want my site to do. 1. Be a blog of some sorts, 2. Be a Portfolio, since I will be needing that in the near future for getting a real job. Of course I also want to include some photos, reviews, code, comments from users etc.

So my question is, should I create a full flash site, encorporating my dynamic content with php or create a half-n-half site somewhat, what I have now for a demo?? I have noticed on IE6 and lower, my site is all jacked up because of the transparency issues.

Any advice would be helpful!
