Play MC animation as long as button is depressed--please help!

ok i have looked here and a few other places for a solution to this and i can’t seem to find one…its very simple

i have a scene with a button and a movieclip, each on seperate layers on the root…the MC has a 100 frame tween with stopactions on frames 1 and 100.

what i want to happen is while that button is being pressed, meaning the user keeps their mouse button depressed, that animation plays, and when they release it stops the MC(and is able to be resumed if the user depresses the button again).

simple enough right?? then why i am i having so much trouble…any help is appreciated…for length’s sake i kept it brief–if you would liek to see the 2 routes i have taken thus far please reply and i will attach the scripts…

thanks for your time!