Player changes size after external SWF is just loaded (but not used)

I have a flash player I am working on.
The stage (and player) size are 640x979.
At the bottom of the player I have a control-bar, with play-pause buttons etc.
Here is an image of the player (

So far so good.

Now - on most external SWFs that I load - they load OK.
But on some - if I try to load them using the Loader class - the player goes crazy !
The control bar dissappears, and the video is stretched in a funky way. You can see this in the attached image (

What is really strange here is - this happens even if I don’t add the Loader object as a child !

I just do this :

public function PlayerCtor()
    swfUrlLoader = new Loader();
    swfUrlLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSwfReceived);    
    swfUrlLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSwfIOError);

    swfUrlLoader.load(new URLRequest(swfUrl));

private function onSwfReceived(e:Event):void
    swfUrlLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSwfReceived);    
    swfUrlLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSwfIOError);

That’s it ! I don’t do anything else besides just loading the external SWF !

The only things that I can think about are:

  1. maybe the ‘bad’ SWF files have some code-behind in them that causes this behavior to happen ?
  2. the ‘bad’ banners are supposed to be 906x340. I have noticed that they have animations flying in from ‘outside’ those boundries … (I found this out by decompiling the SWFs using ‘Flash Decomplier’ trial).

Here are the SWF banners that are OK and don’t do any problems:
Here are the ‘bad’ banners that make my player go crazy:

Can anyone help me figure out how to prevent this from screwing up my player, please ?
Thank you for everyone who can help !