Hi, I’ve just been guided to this site via a search engine and very impressive it is too. I was wondering if any kind folk can help me out. I’ve done a search (or rather lots of searches ) and haven’t been able to find exactly what I’m looking for.
To cut a long story short, I inted to plonk an image scroller on a page of my website. I’m getting married in August and I would like it very much to have a ‘selection’ of piccies to browse, via a scroll bar type thang, that will let you select a picture and zoom in on it, or something like that. It’s very simple in principle but it’s causing no end of frustration, primarily because I’m an utter MX novice! I had my mate help me out with the design of the site, and he’s too busy now to help me further, so I’m going it alone. What’s more, I can’t find any decent tutorials regards this subject, so I’m a bit stuck really. I’ve also got oodles of books here with me, and have read two, with another seven thousand pages to go before I’m finished :x
my website is here (hope I can do this!??!) www.philandfee.com
It’s obvious which bit I intend to modify.
Hope you can advise.
Very kind regards.
Phil (top site by the way)