Hello guys, would appreciate it if you guys give some comment on my navigation layout. Thanks in advance.
Um it works but without seeing the rest of the site there isn’t much to give ya a critique on. The colors are fine and the look of it works too…but it’d be better to have the content areas defined and the buttons on there as well so we could see if they “meshed” well with the surroundings…
Pretty normal really…not much to say. Just develop it more and show us then… just reconsider the way the text is currently spaced
How can we comment on your navigation layout if you havent made the navigation itself?
heh so true, my comment goes here
this post is reserved for my comment
I’ll reply when there is a little more to reply to.
…we can reserve…
Add the buttons and an image/logo at the top. It seems too plane at the top with just text. Lov’en the scan-lines.
btw great name.
finish it completely, i’ll comment afterwards;)
Yup, I agree with the rest, what could we possibly say about the nav
hey guys, i’m so sorry about that. i’ll get back to the drawing board and come up with something ASAP. sorry about that.