heres the address
Basically im not sure about the nav ??
See i originally was gonna have the buttons across the top navigate the whole site.
but while designing the bands section (the one which initialy loads) i had the idea of indibidual movies for each band which then have nav buttons to go to the relevant areas (albums/tours/bio etc)
and only have the forum/Merch/contact buttons
all the top buttons are unanimated and disabled and the various other animation tweeks are to be done but basically i want opinions on the layout??
Oh and by the way yes it does have to be those colors !!
Well there isn’t much to critique on, but right off the bat, the thing you would want to consider changing is your choice of fonts.
You’re using a type of font that looks rediculous with your layout which has a “techie” feel. On top of that you have the grim reaper on your site so combined with the orange background, it reminds me of halloween.
Since you’re stuck with the orange, I guess you’ll have to deal with it and come up with something else that doesn’t tie into halloween.
Thats pretty nice mate, Though the type and the band name look the same, so you dont really know where the menu starts until you mouse over it.
i agree with egeek, look much better if you changed the type, lose the grim reaper , it you need to keep it , maybe look for another image of the grim reaper.
Layout is alright ,there alot of potential in there, would be intresting to see it progress.
The font looks like the same font used for the clockwork orange movie(one of my all-time favorites).
i think you could use the font for specific logos but not for the layout. as far as the colors, i don’t know. it kinda reminds me of a reeses candy wrapper. not trying to mean or anything(i mean like have room to talk, look at my site), just trying to be honest and state what the average non-flash/design-geek would think when they vist your site.
i don’t know. maybee i’m just hungry right now and a reese cup sounds really good.
thanks for your opinions guys!
As for the font i agree im not keen on it either but im stuck with it,
so i’ll probably just change the button text color a bit or something to make it stand out a bit more.
Yeah the skeleton graphic sucks at the moment but im gonna make it smaller and contain it somehow.
Anyway cheers and being from the UK i have no idea whata reeses wrapper is (candy bar i assume)
so points taken on board and thanks again, its by no means finished so i’ll get back to working on it now :beam: