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what do think, first attempt at a grungy look
want it on t-shirt

Nice design. The photo on the left sort of drowns the picture on the right out. I’d try and level them out a bit because the eye is drawn immediately to the left hand side photo (unless that’s what your going for).

that is pretty nice…very crisp.

the girl on the left looks almost pissed off but the overall thing looks great. i’d dim the girls color a bit, maybe even hue her blue

it looks nice, but usually when you make a t-shirt they only allow 3 colours.

4 colors dippy CYMK

hey 3d you hit 1k!!! and i was going by threadless which i think is three. but you have designed 'em so i will go by what you say. lol

lol kinda liked the pissed off look to it was my inspiration, but i kinda think the other ‘happy’ ones throws it off?