Hello forum colleagues:
I’m experiencing issues on confirmation forms using a Yahoo! as my server, and would highly value anyone’s suggestions. Below are the details.
The server I’m using (Yahoo! Web Business Hosting) does not yet support Frontpage extensions for forms.
How can I create a customized confirmation page that shows our customers what they submitted?
Here’s what I’m able to receive when a customer submits information in my form, EITHER:
A non-customized Yahoo! confirmation (which is not consumer acceptable); or
A customized page I designed that does not allow me to show what customers submitted, even when I use the “Insert > Webcomponents > Advanced Options > Confirmation” -
Yahoo! provides a script to direct forms to my email address:
<form method=POST action="–WEBBOT-SELF–" onsubmit=“location.href=’…/_derived/nortbots.htm’;return false;” language=“JavaScript” name=“FrontPage_Form1” target="_top" webbot-onSubmit=“return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)”>
Thus, under “Form Properties” I must select “send to other”, rather then “send to email” or “send to form.”
I’ve called Yahoo! support but they we’re able to figure it out. They recommeded I write script, but I don’t know how to that.
Is there script you have that might work? Or is there an easier way around this?
A thousand thanks!!!