First of all, thank you for reading this post. I need your help desperately, please share an idea if you have any. Ok, here’s the story. I have 3 different levels.
I have index.swf, an empty swf that loads first page which is level 0. The “first page.swf” is directed by following code:
on([color=navy]release[/color]) {
l[color=navy]oadMovie[/color][color=blue](“first page.swf”,[/color][color=black]2[/color]);
“first page.swf” has a enter button, when pressed it goes to “main.swf”.
on([color=navy]release[/color]) {
“main.swf” is a main page that has several buttons. (about, service, contact, etc). This page has a frame (imagine a picture frame, the frame will hold external.swf) that will load external swfs.
Here’s my main question.
I am trying to put external.swf at a lower level than the main.swf using voet’s external swf transition.
about.[color=navy]onRelease[/color] = [color=blue]function/color {
if [color=navy](_root[/color].currMovie == undefined) {
[color=navy]_root[/color].currMovie = [color=blue]“about”;[/color]
} else if (_root.currMovie != [color=blue]“about”)[/color] {
if (container._currentframe >= container.midframe) {
_root.currMovie =[color=blue] “about”;[/color];
Yet, “about.swf” won’t load behind the main.swf. Do you have any idea how to fix this problem? Thank you all.