PLEASE HELP.... FLash / ASP form

When you click on it, the form will slide out. Now this is done in ASP/FLash.

When I upload the form by itself, it sends pefectly. When I copy all the frames and paste it into a movie clip, it functions half way. I can type in the form and everything, but its like the send and clear buttons deactivate. To see what Im talking about you can go see the form at , and you can view the site with the form in it at .
Ive tried loading the form as an external component into a movie clip, and tried having the form in the actual site. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Thanks a million!

Well, the actions on that send button are as follows

on (release) {

They are inside a movie clip
I can email you the form if you would like.

If you wanted to see how its setup. I downloaded it off of FK. The good thing is, that it works. I just cannot get it to work in an load movie enviroment.

Right now its loaded into a movie clip into the main site. Appreciate your help.

I posted this several times in the FK forum, but got no repsonse.

unsure if this will work…but have you named the movieclip?



::::: AnOraK :::::

Yes, I tried that just now. It didnt work…
I did get the form to work by doing a load movie clip to level 1. All my links load my movie clip to target move clip “loadclip”. So I tried just doing a load movie into my main movie. Its still a little wierd though. 1) When it says contacting, …it sends the email but still says contacting. Its soppose to say successful and refresh the form. 2) Still dont know why I cant use the form inside a movie clip. Bummer…
Any more suggestions would be appreciated.:hangover: