Please Help Me! Array, External Swf Help!

I need some real help. I am making a photogallery, but i couldnt figure out the way to do it properly by coding it, so i tried to fake it, i made a thumbnail gallery with each thumb linking to each large image on a separete swf and html file and just linked all my thumbs as a html link to the respective html page. The problem im having is that it takes so long for the images to load that the user cant tell when they are able to click the next image (and for some reason it seems to be going back to an image that is in the cahce). I tried a preloader on each individual swf, but it didnt help with the problem, plus it took like 30 preloaders for each swf. I also looked into the Photogallery tutorial (using arrays), but it didnt work, im usng Flash 5, i have flash mx2004, but it runs slow on my old G4, but if i need to i will. Please Help me I am at my wits end.

P.S. How can i center the swf in the browser it keeps going to the left side, can somebody give me the code for that? Thank You Guys.

here is the site