Please help me find a way! AS3

Hello everybody, A quick and probably stupid question. Im very very new at AS,
I am using this AS code for a snow effect in a banner… works great!

But, I would like to know how to turn it on and off, and reset it before it loops in the banner. . I have no clue! Tried a few things, but at best I can only stop it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Here is the code…

// Author : Seb Lee-Delisle
// Blog :
// Company :
// This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 2.0 License.

// Full details at

// You may re-use this code as you wish, but a credit would be
// appreciated. And I’d love to see what you do with it!
// mail me :

import flash.geom.Rectangle;

// first make an array to put all our snowflakes in
var snowFlakes : Array = new Array();

// and decide the maxium number of flakes we want
var numFlakes : uint = 500;

// and define a rectangle to store the screen dimensions in.
var screenArea:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0,0,486,60);

// start listening for an ENTER_FRAME event (the equivalent
// of the AS2 onEnterFrame function)
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameLoop);

// and define the function that is called on an ENTER_FRAME event

function frameLoop(e:Event)

var snowflake : SnowFlake; 

// if we don't have the maximum number of flakes... 
	// then make a new one!
	snowflake = new SnowFlake(screenArea); 
	// add it to the array of snowflakes
	// and add it to the stage

// now calculate the wind factor by looking at the x position 
// of the mouse relative to the centre of the screen
var wind : Number = ((screenArea.width/2) - mouseX);

// and divide by 60 to make it smaller
wind /=60; 

// now loop through every snowflake
for(var i:uint = 0; i<snowFlakes.length; i++)
	snowflake = snowFlakes*; 
	// and update it


Thank you very much in advance!!!
