Right… here’s the deal.
I’m making a navagation for my site using flash, and am gonna use animated buttons.
I have my animated buttons all in place on one layer, one Keyframe.
What i wanna do is that the user rolls the mouse over the button, and then the movie goes to the frame which I want it to go, which will say something about the link.
E.g - User likes the look of “Bands” link. User puts mouse over it, and it takes the user to a frame saying about the link in a little box. User takes the mouse off the link, and it goes back to it’s original form.
I hope you understand. If you don’t - then I’ll try and provide an in-depth analysis in a later post if you wish me to.
have a variable (“loc”) for storing what section you’re in. say “info” is the name if the movie that contains the information that changes on rollovers.
I’m sorry, but I don’t have a clue about Actionscipt, therefore have no idea what Variables are, and how to do them. Can you just explain how to do them, thanks
AND keep in mind that the
on (release){
command can only be placed on a button. If you open the action script panel, to add a/s, and the onMouseEvent(); option is grey’d out, then you do not have a button selected on the stage. If you try to add code it will be placed in the frame, rather than attached to the button instance.