Rollover, Rollout Button, Action problems

Hi. I followed at guide on how to make a rollover animations, which rewinds it self, when you roll out…

My problem is, that the Action Script when you press the button links to the beginning of the movie… How do i change this to a Scene and Frame ?
I tried to insert (“Scene 2”, 1) at the end in gotoandplay, but nothing seems to work…

Here is the Actionscript.

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (rewind == true) {
this.onRollOver = function() {
rewind = false;
this.onRollOut = function() {
rewind = true;
this.onRelease = function() {

use frame labels instead - give the frame you want to go to a frame label. Then in your code use


doesn’t matter what scene :slight_smile:

Thankyou… That Worked! :smiley:
