Please Help Me

I have been looking all over the net trying to find a solution to my problem with no success…

I am trying to create a multiple choice quiz that will

A) Show a list of questions and a,b,c,d answers on one swf page
B) When the user clicks on their answer, a right or wrong alert comes up
C) Allows you to calculate how many questions they have gotten right/wrong by clicking on a “View Score” button once they finish.

I haven’t found a tutorial that shows you how to do it this way - most of them show one question at a time and don’t tell you as soon as you click if you got the answer right.

I don’t want to use the built in components either because i have a totally different design.

I really don’t know where to start because my hand coding skills are very minimal … I would be very grateful if someone would help me out in anyway

Thank You!