Please Help Me

I have been looking all over the net trying to find a solution to my problem with no success…

I am trying to create a multiple choice quiz that will

A) Show a list of questions and a,b,c,d answers on one swf page
B) When the user clicks on their answer, a right or wrong alert comes up
C) Allows you to calculate how many questions they have gotten right/wrong by clicking on a “View Score” button once they finish.

I haven’t found a tutorial that shows you how to do it this way - most of them show one question at a time and don’t tell you as soon as you click if you got the answer right.

I don’t want to use the built in components either because i have a totally different design.

I really don’t know where to start because my hand coding skills are very minimal … I would be very grateful if someone would help me out in anyway

Thank You!

there’s many ways to achive this. i don’t have much time on my hand. but all you gotta do is make a question with regular text. make 4 buttons, put text over it(the answers ofcourse), and then make a dynamic box and name it “answer” (variable name, it should be on the properties’ submenu). make another dynamic text box and name it “score”, make another dynamic box and name it. select the right answer, (for ex: lets say the right answer is the second button), after you have select the correct answer, open up your actionscript window and type the following code:

_root.answer = "1";

remember this code only goes on the right answer-button. next, make a new button or a moviclip symbol(i prefer movieclip symbol)and place anywhere you want it, just keep in mind this will be the submit button. select it and open you actionscript window and type the following:

if(_root.answer == 1){
_root.score = (_root.answer) - - (_root.score);//renewing score
gotoAndPlay(2);//it can be any frame you want
} else {
gotoAndPlay(2);//it can be any frame you want, the score is staying the same nothing will be added

guess with your basic knowledge you’ll know your way from here :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! I have it working now :smiley:

your welcome :slight_smile:

Some useful ways to make a dynamic quiz…