Please help me!

I have already posted this message earlier, but I thought I could elaborate:

[COLOR=red]Would anyone be interested in helping me? I need a quick fix and could be willing to pay someone a small amount of money[/COLOR]

[COLOR=royalblue]I am looking for someone with good AS skills to finish the final stages of a project. Everything is almost done, but there are a few errors.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=darkred]Initial Breif Outline:[/COLOR]

I have a splash page which has an initial 'preloading swf in the background which ‘tries’ to preload the holder.swf (holder.swf is mearly there to size the movie and to call the interface) and to preload the interface.swf (unless the enter button isn’t pressed too quickly, then it will have to start loading the interface from scratch) The interface is less than 10kb, so this will load instantly.
This all works fine!!!

The interface.swf is split into 3 sections on the main time line: it has an initial loading section, the main content (animation section) and a final load section which loads movies into a holder/s

Within the Interface there is a small bit of code which tells the interface to load the home.swf primarily and once complete 'preload the other external swf’s in the background (in sequence) (unless interupted, then it will stop preloading the movie it is on and focus on the movie called for. Once complete it will check and continue loading movies in the background again. This is to try and aid speed for the first time viewer.
I am 99.9% sure that this works!!!

[COLOR=darkred]My requirements:[/COLOR] (I am sure that all the below are small coding issues)

[COLOR=royalblue]1) I require some button codes to be put in a navigation movie which will load other movies into a holder within an interface movie

  1. I have a sizing problem with the movies as well as a small level problem. If you specify a size for the movie, it screws up so this would need to be looked at[/COLOR]

I am looking for someone who would be commited to helping me and look at the ‘commented’ script and add some extra bits to it and make the thing work seamlessly.

If you are interested, please pm me and let me know your thoughts / questions…

Also, this might be an interesting part for you. Once this first part is complete I would also like the following:

I am also trying to integrate the new ‘flash fcms’ *content management system *from **flash loaded **to one of the movies (home.swf) (which could be duplicated for the other movies)

I am going to be using the .net version