Preloading problem?

Dear freinds,
I have a serious problem. I looked the preloading tutorials. And I really liked the way they work. But one thing I want to ask. When my movie is like this…’

[COLOR=Blue]first frame is text
second frame is pictures
third frame is long animation like interactive big files.[/COLOR]

Now I wanted [COLOR=Red]the text to load first[/COLOR]… [COLOR=Red]then pictures which relates to the text immediately[/COLOR]… and mean while the [COLOR=Red]big animation will load the last[/COLOR]…

How do I [COLOR=Teal]make a preloader that will tell that… the text loading… pictures loading … and finally animation loading…[/COLOR]
Is it possible to track the length of the loading movie frames…

Please help me,

My suggestion would be to make three seperate .swf files, one with the text, one with the pictures, and one with the long animation with bigger files. Then, setup a preloader on each of those .swf’s, and while it’s preloading, put “Loading Text”, “Loading Pictures”, etc. Then, after each one is working seperately on it’s own, make a new flash document and just import each of the .swf’s and have them on frame 1, 2, and 3. I could be really wrong on this, so wait for someone who knows.