Please help. Wanna learn flash and action script

hey guys,
pls suggest some good books on flash and especially on action script (mx version) as i’m in the middle of a career change and aspire to be a flash pro someday soon. I know the basics fairly well but have no knowledge abt action script. Pls help. thanks…

Start with the great tutorials on this site and others!

good luck

I used books by Friends of ED. Started with Foundation Actionscript for Flash MX then once I had a handle on the code I got Flash MX Studio. I learned a good deal of actionscript from these two books (didn’t do every chapter, but enough to learn what I wanted) and was able to start my own coding projects after a few months of studying. You’ll also want to pick up O’Reilly’s Flash MX Actionscript Reference (this is invaluable once you get the hang of AS). I’d recommend getting MX 2004 if you’re just getting into it also

I agree with everything posted by serkios, the friends of Ed series is excellent and Moock is a must.

The best way to learn flash IMO is over the web. Its almost always free, and always at your fingertips… Search the forums, search, and perhaps Flashkit, or, and you can usually find out what you wanted to know…

As far as Design books, they tend to be expensive. I like to go to Borders, and then use a pencil and paper (old school style) to copy the steps out of a book that i am too cheap to purchase… whatever works…

was doing some searching on the net last nite and came up with three books and guess what two of them were by the authors u guys suggested. Guess i’m on the right track. Will keep in touch.

Here’s a good one: Click here :wink: