Guys I’m desperate.
I have been trying to find a solution for this for a very very long time._ I am doing something for a friend, a flash portfolio site, basically what happens right now is that when one of the pictures is clicked the stage zooms in so that the image takes up the entire stage, now on clicking that picture again, the image zooms out… that’s all fine, the problem is that when i want to click on another edge of a picture that is also visible at the time when it is zoomed in, the whole thing zooms out.__
I’m not sure if i have to use an array, or a one more variable or what i have to do… i’m just so confused.__
the zoom pan thing can be found at_[COLOR=#0000ff] this site[/COLOR]
my url is at_ [COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR]
Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated!_