Please help

hi everyone
i’ve been thru the forums looking for this and i can’t seem to find anything , i’ve looked at tutorials and still not find

i’m using flash mx, when i make a preload my movie only starts to show it after it has loaded about 40% of the movie, her is the code i’m using:

on frame 1:

loadpercent = this.getBytesLoaded() / this.getBytesTotal() * 100;

if(loadpercent == 100){
//setProperty(bar, _xscale, loadpercent);


percentagem = int(this.getBytesLoaded() / this.getBytesTotal() * 100 )+ " %";

“percentagem” is my text variable name which shows the percent loaded

on frame 2 i symply put “gotoAndPlay(1);”

what am i doing wrong?