Ok Ok if anyone out there has the cheat sheet for the driving test or the URL were i can get it please do so,i’m 17 and my aunt just send me a FORD TRUCK for my 18th birthday thats in december but she actually for got that i don’t have my PERMIT so i’m gonna take the test on FRIDAY>USA>time and my Truck will get by me in about a month so please help me out.
hey man why dont you just study and do it? i mean personally i dont want you on the road if you didnt pass by yourself
*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**hey man why dont you just study and do it? i mean personally i dont want you on the road if you didnt pass by yourself **
Mdipi your funny man it’s a PERMIT not road test you jerk-off ooops did’nt mean that i mean you mean you…lol n/m
what difference do i know? i am 13 but thats how i would feel about it.
the test isn’t that hard… it’s mostly common sense. go pick up the DMV’s little booklet, read it once, almost anyone can get a 70 to pass…
Jeez, you get a truck given to you, and you are trying to take a short cut on something as simple as a written driving test?
And this is not the place to ask for cheats of any kind. Understood on this note?
it’s different for each state man… go to the DMV and get the booklet.
i thought it was RMV. lol. yea i took it, some of the questions are weird. but its easy. just study.
Haha, America roxx…
To get the driverslicenses here is no prob at all and it is so fu** cheap.
In Germany we have to pay at least 1500$ , and that is no fun. When you don’t pass the test(and the test is tough) you have to pay extra 300$ to try again.
That kicks asses…
well maybe thats a flaw in america…
im sure we have one of the highest Fatality rate related to automobills…i’d say there are TOO many careless drivers on the road.
Bullet, just study hard take the test, and you’ll be fine. And whatever you do, realize you have a 2000 pound vehicle capable of doing serious damage… And remember your physics. … too many people forget that…
test is cake…why do you think there are so many bad drivers out there?
Honestly: If you can’t pass that test, then you are not prepared to be behind the wheel of a car. The test is so easy I could have passed it when I was 10 if it were legal to drive/get a permit at that age
*Originally posted by Raydred *
**well maybe thats a flaw in america…
im sure we have one of the highest Fatality rate related to automobills…i’d say there are TOO many careless drivers on the road.
Bullet, just study hard take the test, and you’ll be fine. And whatever you do, realize you have a 2000 pound vehicle capable of doing serious damage… And remember your physics. … too many people forget that… **
ray is right… remember the relationship between Mass and Inirtia…
Yeah man…i thrd that.
i heared that the most accidents happen within the first 2 years of when someone gets their licence. I think its because they think that they can do anything and get away with it, until its to late.
movies aren’t real people…
*Originally posted by Alex *
**i heared that the most accidents happen within the first 2 years of when someone gets their licence. I think its because they think that they can do anything and get away with it, until its to late. **
Thats why car insurance is more expensive the first 2-3 years of having your license At least where I am it is.
cheat sheet?
oh my gosh
lol,i meant the actually test but thats ok my sister just gave me a book to study but i’m trying to figure out what questions will they ask like ex:?
I mean it can’t turn out good, with all those flip flop chicks in their “go carts”…
Some can’t even really ride a bike…
oh my, i had a really bad time with cars. i passed my driving test on the first try despite not stopping at a railroad track and speeding. i don’t know why that retard gave me a license, but i shouldn’t have been driving. i was horribly negligent, wasn’t very alert. i had three car accidents and I hit a kid on a bike. the kid was ok but it was really scary. then my insurance jumped up to $400/month till i turn 21. so i decided not to drive. i’ll be 21 in august and will take driving classes and practice practice practice before i start driving again.