Hi there,
I am in the process of launching a small web hosting company, that will be sorely 100% UK Hosting, and I aim to provide some of the fastest hosting in the UK with each server having a 100mbps direct line.
Now I’m a web designer / developer, and I have been for 5 years, and so is my business partner. We know what clients (aka - us) want, so we are aiming to provide that to many freelancers and small businesses out there.
I have been working on a design for the plans and pricing page, and was wondering if I could have a few ideas on what you like and what needs improving?
The design still has a long way to go, but I’m aiming for a simple design that works well, and doesn’t confuse people, so all the plans are layed out clearly.
Let me know what you think and what needs improving
I’m aiming to get this off the ground and all ready within the next 2 weeks.