Hello! Please review my site http://life-reactor.com
There are some problems with my page speed. I already compressed my images.
What can i do more?
There is something with the font? I’m not good enough on fonts to tell you what the problem is, but it seems that you mix bread font with header font? Not sure, it is very subjective, so yeah.
Looks good anyway. It is a very small comment.
I have no problem loading anything, what are you aiming for?
Looks good) But speed is not(
If you create a blank page with just a single image, does it load faster? Sometimes, your web host may be the fault with nothing you can do in your code to fix it. Two things you could do is enable HTTP/2 and GZip (if it isn’t already enabled). The next layer is using a CDN to serve your content, but I wouldn’t go there just yet until you’ve exhausted the things you can do on the server first.