Please some one help me with this

Hi All,
I am trying to do a contact form, except i cannot get the SEND PHP to work…

The code is below… Its really getting on my nerves. i have been on it for 4 hours now and i still cant get it to work… can anyone point me in the right direction

Hope everyone is ok

Rob Skipton

if(isset($_POST[‘submit’])) {

$to = ""; 
$subject = "New Quotation";
$name_field = $_POST['Your_Name'];
$email_field = $_POST['Your_Email'];
$message = $_POST['Message'];
    $dropdown = $_POST['Host'];

foreach($_POST['check'] as $value) {
    $check_msg .= "Checked: $value


$body = "From: $name_field

E-Mail: $email_field
$check_msg Option: $option
Drop-Down: $dropdown

echo "Data has been submitted to $to!";
mail($to, $subject, $body);

} else {
echo “Sorry, There has been an error, please try again!”;

And here is the code for the html form.-------------------------------

<form id=“form1” name=“Quote” method=“post” action=“Send.php”>
<div align=“center”>Your Name<br />
<input name=“Your_Name” type=“text” id=“Your_Name” size=“40” maxlength=“15” />
<p align=“center”>
<label>Buisness Name<br />
<input name=“Your_Buisness” type=“text” id=“Your_Buisness” size=“40” maxlength=“20” />
<p align=“center”>
<label>Email<br />
<input name=“Your_Email” type=“text” id=“Your_Email” size=“40” maxlength=“20” />
<p align=“center”>
<label>Best Number To Contact You On<br />
<input name=“Your_Number” type=“text” id=“Your_Number” size=“40” maxlength=“20” />
<p align=“center”>
<label>Address Line 1<br />
<input name=“AddressL1” type=“text” id=“AddressL1” size=“40” maxlength=“25” />
<p align=“center”>
<label>Address Line 2<br />
<input name=“AddressL2” type=“text” id=“AddressL2” size=“40” maxlength=“25” />
<p align=“center”>
<label>Town/City<br />
<input name=“Town” type=“text” id=“Town” size=“40” maxlength=“25” />
<p align=“center”>
<label>Post Code<br />
<input name=“Post” type=“text” id=“Post” size=“30” maxlength=“10” />
<p align=“center”>
<label>What do you require?<br />
<select name=“What_Required” size=“1” id=“What_Required”>
<option value=“New” selected=“selected”>A New Website</option>
<option value=“Update”>Update Of Old Website</option>
<p align=“center”>
<label>Existing URL ( If applicable)<br />
<input name=“Existing” type=“text” id=“Existing” size=“40” maxlength=“30” />
<p align=“center”>
<label>Will you require web hosting<br />
<select name=“Host” id=“Host”>
<option value=“Yes” selected=“selected”>Yes, Both Domain Name and host</option>
<option value=“Domain”>Domain Name Only</option>
<option value=“Host”>Host Only</option>
<option value=“Already”>I already Have domain name and hosting</option>
<p align=“center”>
<label>Other Information * (Please enter as much detail as you are able to at this stage)
<textarea name=“Message” id=“Message” cols=“100” rows=“15”></textarea>
<p align=“center”>
<input type=“submit” name=“Submit” id=“Submit” value=“Submit” />