Plz review my site!

:bounce: hi yall
if u feel like it plz go to and give me ur comments on my new business site (under const…)


I like the concept but popups and alert boxes kill it for me. Expecially alert boxes in other languages. Not sure I understand the use for popups on your site
But I like the colors too.

Nice site, clean and easy to navigate!


Get rid of the mili seconds ans seconds on the time! really distracting, and also tone down the animation on the logo also too distacting.

Make the scroller move on press not on roll over.

And why have a javascript popup alert then launch a new section in another window?

Good work

Kev :slight_smile:

I agree - this is a nice, cohesive layout - making all the movies flow into the main movie would make for a much more fluid experience. As it is, it’s functioning more as a Flash menu/linking device to other sites and links - is that what you’d really intended, Hughes?


I really don’t like the font used for the text, might be a cliche but I think this one screams for a bitmap font…

otherwise, nice layout, functional…

i agree with sef fonts need to be changed.
And i didn’t like pop ups