Point reveal on key press

_root.myDepth += 100;
_root.myListener10 = new Object();
_root.mycurpoint = 0;
pointerrs = function () {
	for (z=0; z<(_root.myprod_array.length); z++) {
		this.pointer.duplicateMovieClip("pointer_"+z, _root.myDepth+z);
		this["pointer_"+z].txt = _root.myprod_array[z];
		this["pointer_"+z].txtin.multiline = true;
		this["pointer_"+z].txtin.wordWrap = true;
		this["pointer_"+z].txtin.autoSize = "left";
		this["pointer_"+z]._x = 315;
		this["pointer_"+z]._alpha = 10;
		if (z == 0) {
			this["pointer_"+z]._y = 220;
			this["pointer_"+z].ori_y = 210;
			this.onEnterFrame = function() {
				this["pointer_"+z]._y += ((this["pointer_"+z].ori_y+15)-this["pointer_"+z]._y)/4;
				this["pointer_"+z]._alpha += (100-this["pointer_"+z]._alpha)/4;
		} else {
			this["pointer_"+z]._y = this["pointer_"+(z-1)]._y+10+this["pointer_"+(z-1)].txtin._height;
			this["pointer_"+z].ori_y = this["pointer_"+(z-1)]._y+this["pointer_"+(z-1)].txtin._height;
			trace(this["pointer_"+z]+" = "+this["pointer_"+(z-1)].txtin._height);
MovieClip.prototype.fadein = function() {
	this.onEnterFrame = function() {
		this._y += ((this.ori_y+15)-this._y)/4;
		this._alpha += (100-this._alpha)/4;
MovieClip.prototype.showPoints = function() {
	_root.myListener10.onKeyDown = function() {
		if (Key.getAscii() == "32") {

i want it such that when the movie loads, the first point will fade in…
the rest of the points will only fade in on keydown, one by one.
But seems that when i reload the movie, and press keydown, the point will appear two by two… then on reload again, it appears by three by three.

Is there a better way to write the script?

I’m puzzled! can someone pls enlighten??? i’m going nuts… sobs

thanx in advance