
I’m doing this poll (just yes/no answer) to be hosted on a server which doesn’t have php. results are then saved in a txt file.

so i thought i would have the swf file on the server and then have the php file and text file holding the variables on another server which has php.

I uploaded the php and txt file on the server and played the swf locally and it works fine, and variables are read and saved properly in txt file. but when i run the swf file from the server it doesn’t find the vars from the other server.

(hope i was clear)

txt file: http://yfellowship.org/ez_poll/belly.txt
working poll (swf on same server as php): http://yfellowship.org/ez_poll/
where i want it but it’s not working (loads php and txt file from url abaove): http://www.matthewzammit.com/ez_poll/

flash code frame 1 (before vote button is pressed):

//create a nre data object to load data into it.
 myData = new LoadVars();
 //create new data holding object
 yourVote = "";
 //choose radioButton
 bellyListener = new Object();
 bellyListener.click = function(evt) {
     yourVote = evt.target.selection.data;
 belly.addEventListener("click", bellyListener);
 //confirm choice
 vote.onRelease = function() {
     if (yourVote != "") {
         if (yourVote == "YES") {
         if (yourVote == "NO") {
         myData.sendAndLoad("http://yfellowship.org/ez_poll/save.php", myData, "POST");

flash code frame 2 (when vote button is pressed)

yesVar = myData.yesVotes;
 noVar = myData.noVotes;
 totalVar = myData.totalVotes;
 percYes = math.round((yesVar/totalVar)*100);
 percNo = math.round((noVar/totalVar)*100);
 fYesVar = yesVar+"/"+totalVar+"  ( "+percYes+"% )";
 fNoVar = noVar+"/"+totalVar+"  ( "+percNo+"% )";

php code

  $yesVotes = $_POST["yesVotes"];
  $noVotes = $_POST["noVotes"];
  $totalVotes = $_POST["totalVotes"];
  $toSave ="yesVotes=$yesVotes&noVotes=$noVotes&totalVotes=$totalVotes";
  $fd = fopen("belly.txt", "w"); //a+
  fwrite($fd, $toSave);