Does anyone know how exactly these things work? I mean, how do they filter pop ups? Are all pop ups ignored, or just certain ones? What if a commercial website had a pop up as part of the actual site (not an advert)? Would that get killed?
some work off modding your hosts.sam file on your box, literally setting the referring IP address of the popup to a dummy or localhost (, or something like that) address. Most times that’s enough to kill them. Most of the major popup providers are blocked. Consider it sort of like blacklisting…most good sites aren’t gonna be a major source (by source, I mean provider) of pop-up advertising, anyway.
I see…
The reason I’m enquiring is because the company I work for uses a pop up window for it’s insurance quotation process. I was wondering if a pop up killer would disallow this window too.
They’re also pondering whether or not to put a competition they’re running into a pop up or not. I’m advising not…
depending on the type of popup killer you have too, different techniques are used. I believe most give warning when one is blocked and allows you to open should you so desire (in the case where a desirable window is blocked) though I personally avoid popups all together because they’re annoying and bothersome.
the least common (but most effective) way a user can block your particular popup is to completely disable javascript from running in his or her browser, but most people aren’t this hardcore. Really, I don’t think a legitimate business needs to worry about having their honest popups blocked.
yea, depends on what you got. the one i run at home blocks almost all popups… but if you click for a popup it usually opens.
One of the most common methods is to block all pop-up windows from third party domains and IP addreses.
If your on and the pop-up address is your software wont allow it.
Sometimes its a curse.
from what i know, a disadvantage of using pop-ups is that some people use popup killers, and they’d be blocked from accessing the site…
Most pop-up blocker utilities block all pop-ups. I tried almost every trial/freeware at just to test them out and do my own research a while back. I found that pretty much all of them blocked pop-ups no matter what. So if you were launching a pop-up from a link for the site, it would be closed before even being seen.
In most cases that is (that I have noticed). There are some out there that aren’t like that.
the most effective and customizable tool for me is Mozilla.
It’s a rediculously good browser. I think it’s like, netscape on crack.
Anyways, shove an explorer skin (downloadable off the main moz site) on it and it looks fantastic. I don’t know all the details, but I do know when I want something, it comes up, and what I don’t want never shows up.
sometimes links go great with posts that plug programs/merchandise/ladadada
it’s a free download, it boasts the customizability that most browsers lack, (in code and in basic shtuff).
I think it’s at
If not that, then maybe it’s
but I don’t think so. I’m too lazy to check.
I, like lost, have done a bit of trial and error on this as well, since clients of mine insist on using pop-ups…
I agree w/him 100%. It is best to get away from them, as more people are using some sort of popup killer software, and if you give no other options, it looks like you screwed up, not the user.
hi all,
this post is interesting. i just want to know how to check if your browser/pc has pop-up killer?
another thing, i designed a website and i used Advance Open Window (an Dreamweaver extension) and when I tested it, it just blink - sort of open and then close immediately. But if i used the open browser behaviour that come standard with dreamweaver, the pop-up window opens.
can some one has any explanation of this? thanks :bounce:
Pop-Up killers have to be installed, and they run all the time in the taskbar (on windows that is) so you can see it running down in the lower right corner by the clock if you have one.
And as for that pop-up problem, it is strange how one works and the other doesn’t. I don’t know whats up with that as I have never used premade code by DW.
my firewall has a built in popup ad blocker, its wonderful…i rarely if ever get annoying ads, only from yahoo which is allowed…its amazing, dam spam clogs up line so much! but no more! i am free to surf the net!
thanks lostinbeta,
what do u use to open up a pop-up window? do u have any recommendation?
*Originally posted by aen100 *
**thanks lostinbeta,
what do u use to open up a pop-up window? do u have any recommendation? **
Me? I write my own Javascripts. I did one for a pop up window as well… check the attachment Feel free to use it.
Lost always gets all the glory. that’s why Kirupa gives him fake posts. How else could he get ten thousand? they’re fake, just like this post is fake.
NO! I gave it away!
Thanks very much guys for all your responses.
It just occurred to me the other day, that the Churchill website uses a pop up window to run it’s quotation process, and would that get blocked…?
If any of you people with a pop up killer program have a spare few minutes, would you just be able to go onto and click on the car button to the left hand side. Then choose get a quote. That’s where it will open a pop up.
Does it work for anyone? Or does it kill the window?
Thanks for any help fellas.
thanks a lot lostinbeta - really appreciated that =)