Pop-up window opens in Firefox, but not in IE?


I am having problems with launching a pop-up window from Flash in IE (I’m working in MX 2004).

I noticed the following comment in the toturial http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx2004/chromeless.htm:

[SIZE=2]“The only glaring problem with this cool effect is that you have to use Internet Explorer. Users with Netscape or Mozilla browsers are out of luck”. [/SIZE]

I have the exact opposite problem: In Firefox it works perfectly, in IE nothing shows - I tried everything: Internet settings, pop-up blockers, downloading up dates for IE - nothing helps.

I had a similar problem with lauching a full screen window from a Flash file (in a html file). Worked great in Firefox - a no go in IE.

If anyone have an idea what is happening, please let me know.

Thanks!!! - from Marie
(new on the forum and quite new to Flash also)

Unfortunatley I dont have an answer, but i do know what your going thru. Same problem happened to me and nobody replied so i guess nobody knew what to do? Sorry i coudnt be of more help

Nick :hr:

EDIT: Welcome to the forum! :beam:

Thanks - I’ll write back if I find out