What would you add to this script to be able to keep the scrollbars? This opens a pop up but not resizable and without scrollbars.
on (release) {
uUrl = “http://the url of the html you want to open”;
wdth = “the width you want”;
hdth = “the height you want”;
getURL (“javascript:window.open(’“add uUrl add” ',‘nName’,'width=” add
wdth add “,height=” add
hdth add “,top=’+((screen.availHeight/2)-(” add hdth/2 add
“))+’,left=’+((screen.availWidth/2)-(” add
wdth/2 add “))); void(0);”);
//<script language=“JavaScript”>
//function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, //windowFeatures) { //newWindow=window.open(URLtoOpen, windowName, //windowFeatures); }
It’s not letting me post this…trying to comment it.
Looking back, I could have answered your question a lot quicker. You just need the scrollbar attribute in commas in the the third section. AHHH!!! CONFUSION!!!
Please show me where you are talking about putting the scrollbar=yes code.
Like I said, I’ve tried putting it in every spot in that code with no results.
and you can edit all the attributes. I’m pretty sure you can put everything in the flash movie, but this could be easier. You can set it up to where everything is a variable if you’d like, and then just pass the variable in flash like:
just make sure you change the myPopup function in the html page to accept the variable within the window.open(); part of it.
Ok, here’s the same deal without any html. When you test this in flash, use Ctrl + F12 to test in the browser. That way it doesn’t pop up the extra window like Ctrl + Enter will. Anyway, here’s the code: