Pop-Up Window ...!?

Hi there

The problem is that i can´t find a way to put the size of a new window
on the synthax.
This way it always open at full size…

this is the syntax im using:

getURL (“http://wwww.filete.0catch.com/hitsingle.mp3","_blank”);

Can you help me with this?


If I’m correct… You have to ue javascript in the getURL line to do this… I forget the actual schematics off the top of my head…

If anyone sees this and remembers the JavaScript to open a window at a set size… Please mark it down… I’ll look it up in the meantime.

playamarz :player:

Place this javascript into the < head > section of the HTML page that your swf movie is embeded in:

<script language="JavaScript">
 function openWin(url, w, h)
 var winprop = "width=" + w + ",height=" + h;
 openwin = window.open(url,'',winprop);

Then use this getURL actionscript:[AS]on (release) {
getURL(“JavaScript:openWin(‘abstract1.html’, ‘500’, ‘300’)”);
You can specify the width and height of the popup window as well. =)

There it is… I just found it as well EG… Bastard got to it before me… Oh well…

Jolly good job mate :beam:

playamarz :player:

By the way, filete, please don’t post multiple posts, it confuses people who are trying to help…

Thanks for the help…

But if i dont use HTML page, just the SWF movie itself ?
How do i do it?

thanks again


I guess I don’t understand your question … you allready have the syntax for calling out the popUp without mod’ing your HTML…

>>>here is MacroMedias tutorial on the whole deal<<<


*Originally posted by filete *
But if i dont use HTML page, just the SWF movie itself ?
How do i do it?

You can do it with this tutorial, it will let you specify the size of the popup window as well.

Hey guys!

Just got a flash extension at Macromedia that will solve all
that ****ing problems when you want to make pop-up windows!

I will just leave here the url from the guys who design it.
Go there, install
and enjoy…



See you,