[font=Arial]so i’ve created a pop up with this tutorial:[/font]
[font=Arial]but now i want to make another pop up from the same movie, but this one has to have different width and height. i tried to change the java, but it didn’t work…[/font]
[font=Arial]any help or thoughts would be highly appreciated…[/font]
He alfons…
i know your problem, i couldnt get it work either. I didnt do this tutorial, but i found something on the Net. I studied his Javascript and understood how it worked. its very easy. In the HTML soucre You can change the JAVASCRIPT, which is in the HEAD TAG. You also need to change values of the window size. You can see here that every POPUP has its own name. So you also need to change the reference of the link. exmp. “javascript:popup2”. Im not sure understand what i mean. My english aint that good. If you need more help let me know.