POP3 Mail Client

I need to get a good free POP3 mail client thingy. I have stupid Outlook Express but it hates me, just like flash does. I can’t get it to work for crap, so if anyone knows a good one, please let me know and maybe a link as to where to get it.

I dont use QE becouse I dont know ?
I use MSN ! my friends use it most and we use messager so ! thats why !

I dont know srr

not really what i was loookin for, but thanks for the reply

hey xxviii, i think that your service provider has to set up the pop3 e mail thing. Thats what they had to do when i wanted a email account.

no, i have the emails set up
i need something to read them and then reply to them and everything…

well… how about asking a question about outlook first… no?

well i always eventually get outlook to work, but i just hate the hassle with it and everything and im sure it wont be any easier with another program
Anyone using Ipowerweb and outlook express want to try to help me?
Chime in if you are so I can describe the problem

try these http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=POP3+mail+client+freeware

thanks njs, i actually got it fixed tho
thanks for the reply