I am in the process of making my first web site and I have been trying to figure out how to make my homepage pop up a s borderless window in flash. i got tutorials on how to do it by copying some java script into html, but my host adds there adds into the pop up. How could i copy the java script into flash directly. Any ideas would help\r\rthanks alot,\rben
Ahhh, adding pop up windows with java script in flash, sinch…\r-COPY THIS INTO THE URL LINE-\r\rjavascript:o penNewWindow(‘http://www.urdomain.com’,‘thewin’,\r ‘height=400,width=400,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes’)\r\rjavascript:o penNewWindow\r Tells JavaScript to call the openNewWindow function \r \r’http://www.urdomain.com’\r The URL to load into the new window \r’thewin’\r The name of the window \rheight=400\r Set the window height to 400 pixels \rwidth=400\r Set the window width to 400 pixels \rtoolbar=no\r Do not display the browser’s toolbar. Options are ‘yes’ or ‘no’ \rscrollbars=yes\r Display scrollbars in this window. Options are ‘yes’ or ‘no’ \r\rpeace,\rMark \r\ryes, thous add can really be anoying!!! Arggggggggg
thanks for the advice, but i’m still a bit confused, do i add the scripts to the get url command in flash, can i type in any java script commands there? \r\rthanks,\rben
There’s a tutorial on this site. Or a post somewhere.\r\rpom
yes, when u make a link(lets just say from a button) highlight it, go to convert to syobol->click graphic-> click ok\r\r1)Assign the getURL action to a button or keyframe.\r\r2)For the URL, insert the code below, copying the information exactly. \r\r\rjavascript:openNewWindow(‘http://www.urdomain.com’,‘thewin’,\r\r\r’height=400,width=400,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes’)\r \r\r\rThe above code can be pasted into the URL window . The above two lines must be copied seperately, then pasted together into one single string of characters.\r\r\r\rarrrr i think there is some other stuff u gota do… i could be mistaken… i sujest u wait till Kirupa, or the guy who looks like a ventrilaquest(no offence) by the way, Are u avalivle for kids magic shows?\r\r\rregards,\rMark
here is what i use, if its the same just ignore it… (sorry time for bed)
script below is the buttons action
on (release) {
getURL(“javascript:openNewWindow(‘pagename.html’,‘title’,‘height=525,width=790, top=0, left=0,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=no’)”);
ends here
script below goes into the html page that flash movie is in
<script language=“JavaScript”>
function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) { newWindow=window.open(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures); }
ok y isnt this pasting in properly???
powder: Why did you revive this thread?
Did you not notice the last post in here was “01-16-2002 12:22 AM” (over 1 year ago) and that everyone is registered as guest because this was before kirupaforum.com even existed and it was back in the ezboard days?
hahahaah thats funny…
actually to be honest I just read through here cause it sometimes gives some really good foundation information about flash that I think you can sometimes skip. Anyway, the code I was trying to paste was the easiest way I found so far and I thought it would have been nice to be kept here for some newbies searchin’ around.
But hahaha your funny, yeah I must admit I do feel a little stupid
see ya