Popup window help

Hi there, just looking for some help, i want to use the javascript popup window for a project im working on:


but when i edit the url for the page to open, it comes up with a blank screen with:


in the browser window. what did i do wrong, or is there a problem with the code on the site? thanks for the help!

Are you testing it out in Flash? If so then try publishing it out to HTML so that you can test it while the swf movie is embeded in a HTML document.

That’s a long shot, but you could try that.

Originally posted by lostinbeta [size=1]01-25-2003[/size]
Oh wait, I see the problem.
Your window name can only be one word, you have it as two…

Might be?

theres a space in the url property just before the net

the space before net was the culprit. looked over it a dozen times and did not see it, thanks guys!