Portfolio Design

I’m currently doing a Certificate III in multimedia outside of school. And this friday we are about to start of on our final project for the year which is our portfolio.

After long hours of trying to think up an interface i have finaly thought of a design which i like…At the moment it is just a photoshop interface but will soon be imported into flash.

If anyone has any comments on how it looks so far id be happy to listen…Ben

Look like lots of text…

you may want to try actually posting something, like an image or something.

I Cant Seem To Figure Out How To Post It Up

How Do I Do It!@!!!

As if steal my thread ben :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks good, although the text could get confusing with that font. Also the little dots in your tag… yeh, they look a bit sus.

I’m interested to know what is going in that panel on the right.

i’m not to keen on the fonts, colors, or bevel. the layout of it (from what can be determined thusfar) is good.

Pretty ok… Looks very shady… But I know somethin great’s gonna be made out of it! Nicely done… CYA

i like the top bit of it all like the nav and the title… thats all

I’m not so sure about the font either, however, I think you should keep it (font) for your title/logo only.

Other than that I think it’s coming along pretty good.

sooomeone look at miiiiiiiiiiiiiine… we start working on these tomorrow so any help would be great before I go and stuff it up!




sucker, post some of the stuff you did today ben it was looking great.