Portfolio concepts

I’m currently doing a Certificate III in multimedia outside of school and we are about to start our final project for the course which will be an online portfolio of all our work.

So far this is what ive come up with for the look of the site (I did this a while ago mind you) and would like to incorperate flash, or make the whole thing flash, but I’m not sure if we are actually doing that in the course. Whatever, I can allways do it later.

Anyway, we start working on it this friday so critiques welcome as I am tossing up different ideas in my head.

Odd, it didnt upload. Here it is anyway!

The links are as follows:

  • eye: digital art
  • crazy face thing: fine art
  • Pine cone: photography
  • picture of me: Bio
  • hand: contact (or links or whatever… maybe ill do an animation section as at the time I didnt really have any flash stuff, but now i do.)

This is a web banner that i toyed with today, I could use this design but I like the earlyer one better. I want to go for a more generic approach rather than a ‘sleek’ futuristic type thing that everyone seems to do these days.

Feedback, please.


Can someone please give me some feedback on these designs, I’d really like to get an idea of what I can improve before I get too far into it.


i dont like it very much - its not bad, but i think its a bit… i dont no. maybe make the image in the background brighter - and also the pcs in the buttons brighter.

its ok, i dont really like that style, but its pretty good.

hi david,

your is a tuff one, because when i first looked at it, i thought…

coool, very clean photoshop work (which i cant do). the balance of the page in terms of layout is really nice to my eye… the nav is great.

the only thing confusing me is the theme. you have cyrillic font in the grunge 'nav background and then this whole ‘rip with decay’ thing…

i think the image bckgd in the main body is great, but the nav bcgkd needs a tiny bit of work… i.e. i dont like the cyrillic font!

other than that i would get flashing, cant wait to see some progress

its difficult cos i too am not a massive fan of that style of design, but i know plenty are! so dont let us put you off too much

The pics in the buttons highlight when you roll over them, and I tried the background brighter but it didnt look that good.

Oh, well… I’ve got other ideas brewing, thanks for the comment.

We worked on doing some interfaces today, I’ll post them up later when I’ve done some more touching up.

oh ok, well, like i said, its not bad at all, but im just not a fan of that style, but, like billystar said, many are. Anyway, (especially if this is ur first concept) make a few more designs before you stick with one.

Good luck

Oh, cool. Yeh LOL the ripe(with decay) thing was just because I got into Nine Inch Nails while doing it (a while ago). It isnt going to stay.

The theme I’m going for isn’t really grunge, the image in the nav background is of ashes on the ground, so I might try and clean that up a bit. Although I liked the contrast between the cold and hot colours of ash and fire.

The main font used is CenturyGothic, which I really like for some reason. I think the faded writing was just the symbol font or something. Maybe Ill ditch that from the nav to clean it up.

Here is another one I worked on today that ties in with that banner above.

i like that one alot more than ur first one :slight_smile:

Yeah Dave that looks heaps better than ur first design - even though u did the first design a while ago.



Thanks giles, ive done a few similar to this one, but am having trouble deciding what looks best.

This one would be fun to do in flash:

I like the new design much much better. I like the banner design and how it works with your new site design as well. The fonts perhaps in the banner could be a little better.

On your new design, the white on the fonts stick out maybe a little too much. Perhaps try a different color or a lighter/darker version of colors you already have in your site. Perhaps try some thinner pixel fonts as well, it might go better with the thin lines that you have going throughout your design. I’d like to see the design for the content areas and stuff. Because it could either go really well or really badly.

It’s really funny, the font you are using is the same one I used in a lot of my earlier work and I used to go by a screen name of ReflectedDigital. It just brings back memories! Thanks :smiley:

p.s. what is the watchitexplode. in your forum footer from?

lol, thanks a lot wanyo, I am liking the new design a lot more too and I’ll probably go with it or a varient on it. I’ll take your advise on fonts and play around with some others, but you’re definatly right on the banner one I’ll switch that to whatever one I use with the site to keep coherency.

I’m really not sure what to do with the content, I am really new to actual web code and design so I wouldnt have a clue how to get the content working. But that’s what the course I’m doing is for after all, so I’m sure those guys will help me with it.

reflectionsOfDisposition is in reference to Tool’s album Lateralus as those two songs really gripped me at the time and still do. A lot of my artwork has been inspired by it and as this site is for displaying that work it kind of went with it.

Watch It Explode is from Dredg’s album El Cielo in the song Triangle. Great Album.