Portfolio site...the hell!

don’t forget the Y-O nggas up in this btch :stuck_out_tongue:

does the ladybug in the one with the grass just wonder around?? if so…thats groovy

i dont really like the woodgrain background in the first one…
the second one is clean but dark…if you are into that sort of thing…thats cool…
the one with the grass looks like it might be cool…i like the ladybug…thats funny…
the one with the paint splotches is groovy lookin too…maybe make the layout buttons differnt and just change the value of the splotches instead of animating them…
and… the last one you just posted… looks professional…color looks good…you should maybe roll with that one if you havent allready…

also, maybe just check out the site of the weeks for some inspirtaion…that always help me with some groovy ideas…

These designs are great. I’d also propose to take the last one, because I’ve never seen such a website before. But I don’t know you and maybe another fits more to your personality.

n4 if you want to stand out of a crowd !

and that’s what portofolio sites are about :beam:

4th… all the way and i decided that before i read the replies… 2nd is nice, that green is great but too dark

great job though my friend

When I looked at them at first without looking at the replies, I was drawn to 1 and 4. Four is GREAT but I would personally change the way you have the navigation. Change it so the links are on the black strip and it’d look sharp. I like the cleanliness of number 1 though.

i like 2 and 3 the best

1 is nice but could work on background

i like 4 but its a bit heavy, 3’s my fav, i like grass :wink:

Four, for sure!

I like them all but if I had to choose I’d say the last one.

One thing I don’t like about all of them is your logo. It’s kind of boring and not really imaginative.

hey hey hey! i was asking for critique on my “site” designs not my logo! hehe only joking, yer i know my logo is poo isnt it. Im working on a new one soon, just want the site perfect first and ill make a logo to fit into that. I think im going to go for the one i posted up there! thanks for your comments guys, much appreciated!

I prefer number 1, its the most original, if it had to be another one, I would use 4, the other ones, especially 2 I seem to have seen something similar… Number 5 is definetly the all around winner, I would use that one!

I LOVE THE LAST ONE :slight_smile:

very cool


i like them all except the second one… is kinda plain, IMO…
but I love the 4th one the most, mate.

Lol, 3 pages of people saying they LOVE the fourth one, and he decides to go with a whole new design :lol:

Outta boy :thumb:
